Everyone who doesn"t like Assassin"s Creed Odyssey hasn't played with Cassandra as the Protagonist.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Ebay grumblings

I wish, I really bloody wish ebay sellers would not use stock pictures to show of their wares.
How hard can it be to take a picture of the book you're actually trying to sell?
It tells almost everything a buyer would actually want to know at a glance.
It saves you having to go through the trouble of copy-pasting another seller's book details that might not add up to the edition you're hawking, at the very least, you lazy cretin.

The reason for this annoyed little post is that amongst various other books, I've been trying to get Lud-in-the-Mist's Fantasy Masterworks edition for a while now and I've had no luck.

Every little bit of the information in the Lud-in-the-Mist listings is contradictory to what is advertised.

For example:

One listing has the book listed as the 2000-version but has the isbn-number and cover picture of the 2008 Ultimate Fantasy Sequence edition. To top it off it has a page count that doesn't match the UFS version.

They're all somewhat like that. It's seriously frustrating.
It also doesn't help that I once took a chance and ordered the book anyway...

Yeah... Not so happy with that.
This is not actually a new purchase, I've had these for a while.
But going through the listings now I'm reminded that nothing has changed and people still copy-paste away while using the most attractive cover available even if it doesn't match what they're selling.
Having a disclaimer AT THE BOTTOM that 'cover is intended for illustration purposes only' is a filthy and deliberately deceptive thing to do.
If you want my money, you work for it and you show me a picture of what I'm buying.

With the Ultimate Fantasy Sequence and Fantasy Masterworks editions it's actually extra hard to get what you want because people regularly mistake them for one another.

Now, the reason that these UFS editions and the FM editions are sometimes mistaken for one another is that the UFS edition (2008) is an actual literal copy of the FM edition (various, but all pre-2008). The 8 books are practically identical in contents, though the UFS has actually had most of its extras removed when the Ultimate Fantasy Sequence was released with its radically different cover.

I've ordered a few Fantasy Masterworks and am anxiously awaiting them. One of these is Lyonesse 1. You know, one of the 2 last books that are present in the Fantasy Masterworks that are also present in the UFS...

Meanwhile, the quest for Lud-in-the-Mist is halted due to temporary annoyance.
It's not that that great a book but I would like to have its Fantasy Masterwork version on my shelf anyway.

Very pretty cover as well. Shades of Rivendell.

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