Everyone who doesn"t like Assassin"s Creed Odyssey hasn't played with Cassandra as the Protagonist.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Next up...Personal stuff

With the big Ombria in Shadow post out of the way I'm at a point where I can devote more time to individual blogposts again. But during my life, I've found that my interests tend to move around in great cycles.
And now it seems I've arrived at an old one again and that this has become immediately reflected in my choice and acquisition of fiction.

Now, I've already started writing a whole bunch of personal posts to tie into this because I find (maybe wrongly) that this background information is necessary.
It's mostly personal stuff about me. Some background involving my religious upbringing, certain views I have of the world and how that relates to and influences my interests in books and fiction in general.

Some of these posts have already been brewing for a while in the background. And I guess now is when I loose them on the world.

There are alot of considerations that slide into focus with this. How much of yourself do you share? In essence, you are putting yourself on display, to be scrutinized, to be taken the piss out of, mocked, laughed at or maybe, possibly, hopefully even to be lauded or to become an inspiration for someone else. But first and foremost, without taking the consequences into account, you're telling strangers about yourself. Personal and maybe private stuff. It's scary.

There's also the pressure of getting it right. You don't want to piss people off.
For one, nobody likes being told that nothing really matters. It's a thing nobody wants to hear, let alone believe. But in the end you write what you want and what you have the energy for. And the stuff you love will end up giving you that energy. So you try to honour it and do the best you can.

You slave and you slave and there's this fear that this thing you're putting so much of yourself in can and will be shot down by some random commenter taking issue with your views, ideas or even just your phrasing. Glass houses break easily. And what comes next will take a great deal of transparency.

It's obvious that the blog has evolved from what it was in the beginning. There's less objectivity, but I believe still enough reasons to keep it up. There's always new stuff on the horizon and I'd like to share of it in the future.

To paraphrase Itkovian.
It seems my work is not yet done.

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