Everyone who doesn"t like Assassin"s Creed Odyssey hasn't played with Cassandra as the Protagonist.

Monday, 10 February 2020

The Hedge Knight

God damn, this one is good.

If you haven't already, go pick this one up.
And I'm saying that as someone who was completely disillusioned with Martin's world after how Game of Thrones ended. I didn't have any interest in reading any of Martin's other work, Ice and Fire or otherwise, but after deciding to give this one a go, still having it lying around in the shadows, drowning in dust, I'm again firmly of the opinion that Martin's writing is just simply stellar and that when he finally finishes the Song of Ice And Fire saga, it will easily wash away the bad taste of HBO's Game of Thrones.

But that's besides the point. The Knight of the Seven Realms trilogy of novellas, of which the Hedge Knight is but the first, take place a hundred years before the events of A song of Ice and Fire and though the story obviously takes place around certain very recognizable names and places, the stories themselves stand perfectly well on their own.

And even with the caveat that Martin still has story developments for Dunk and Egg planned, and that he'd like to get to them eventually, and that likely the story might end in a way that will be terrible for some of the characters, the Hedge Knight is still a story very much worth picking up.
And I gather that the other novellas, and their respective comic adaptations, continue that trend.


Yes, obviously I know that this comic, The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight are adapted from the Dunk and Egg novellas, but it's a different format, and so, just as comics might not be an acceptable medium for some, so might prose novels not be for others. Everyone can have their pick, and for me, right now, for a variety of reasons, of which time and a limited attention span are just two, this comic adaptation is my pick.

Boy, that's some disclaimer. Super defensive and everything. You'd think somebody said something, but really, nobody did.

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