Everyone who doesn"t like Assassin"s Creed Odyssey hasn't played with Cassandra as the Protagonist.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Too Much

There are so many people these days that every single one of them can find something to read that will cater specifically to them, as weird and outlandish and as fucked-up as that might be. This cannot continue. It is a wild, wild world, it cannot be contained.
I don't know why I think that this cannot continue. I just know that it is too much. It is too chaotic, incomprehensibly so. Surely some revelation is at hand. As the poet said; the centre cannot hold. But this is not a second coming, no. This second birth will be your first death. On the heels of revelation, your destruction will follow.
At a certain point you become aware of your ignorance, of how little you know, and more and more something opens up. Something stands ready there to usher you in. Into a great dark, or a great light.
And the more you learn, you find that there is more you did not, more you did not see, and that this will inevitably increase, to exponential levels. And that abyss gapes larger. The ideas are innumerable, veritable constellations of concept, identities and individuals without count. Because we all change and nothing, nothing at all, can be constant. It all adds up, and it does not stop. But the blank pages of the ledger cannot be finite, even if we cannot yet see the final page. And yet we all scribble, unstoppable and, paradoxically, unthinking. There is so much.
Is this not horror, is this not terrifying: In such a sea of endless change, the numberless horde's ever-increasing movement, you realize that you are less than a fraction of the whole, that you are nothing. And that you can only become more and more of nothing. And that this can ever only increase as they become more and more. As impossible as it is, you become less, nothing in the face of the total, your everything subsumed into the anything. And it is anything, any thing you can think of, and it all adds to the whole, and you have become All.
The opposite of nothing must be the sum total of humanity.
There must come a time, where it must all be used up, where all of humanity's thoughts, their dreams, feelings and works, must stretch the very fabric of reality itself, where it comes close to spilling from the realm of the mind into that of the material world, but instead, one will flow into the other, and annihilation will follow. Because there is simply too much of it. We will drown, or we will burn.
Somewhere, something is going insane.

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