Everyone who doesn"t like Assassin"s Creed Odyssey hasn't played with Cassandra as the Protagonist.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Update before the Erostratus.

I have spent most of my free time this week almost compulsively checking and searching various Black Library titles online and almost flightily reading up on Age of Sigmar, getting absolutely nothing done in the process.
I read a short story and written about it and'll post it together with the rest of that particular anthology but for now I'm comfortably leaving that be; it's a fun little thing and there's no pressure.

Outside of that I have been reading, and with alot of effort been grasping (at straws), the various erratic thought patterns the protagonist of Sartre's Erostratus is going through.
For various reasons, this story and more specifically the accompanying post has been annoying me for more than a week and two complete read throughs now.

I think I have managed to excise most of the extraneous drivel from my post on it and am in the process of tightening its focus but I'm pretty sure I'm not saying anything new or even original on it.

I'm super annoyed with it in fact and completely outside of my regular planning have just picked up and finally began reading The Steel Remains. I wanted to get stuck into something epic again and this is doing the trick. Sorry Paradise Lost but it'll take me a while longer to get to you...

*grumbles slightly*

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