Everyone who doesn"t like Assassin"s Creed Odyssey hasn't played with Cassandra as the Protagonist.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Books of Babel Haul

Look at these beauties!

All three books, both trades and hardcover have been given a matte non-reflective finish (And why the hell would anyone want otherwise is beyond me, matte non-reflective should be standard!).
Artwork and cover design by Ian Leino.

Some horror comics at the back. Don't mind them, they're not related to this.


Note the odd, slightly out of synch spine of the hardcover.
As it is easily fixed by bending the dustjacket in a few places I'm not too horrified by it but I will
 leave it as is in case I should mess it up.

Back of the Trades. I kept Book 2's back blurb out of it in case of spoilers.

Sleeveless hardcover, uniform grey front and back.

Very nice spine limited to title and author's last name. Ideal and cheap for the self-publisher and the minimalist approach really adds a touch of class.

And here is the back of the hardcover.
You'll note there's no book blurb and only review quotes.

And as a bonus the Hardcover has a map, of sorts, that isn't present in the trades.

This acquisition and the ensuing blog post is mostly because of Mark Lawrence, known for his Prince of Thorns trilogy, whose Self Published Fantasy Blog Off project moved these books into the spotlight.

They've been getting alot of hype and exposure these days, again because of the SPFBO, and though I'm a little late for the party, I thought it'd be nice for potential buyers to see how the books looked on display and in the flesh (paper) as it were.

I haven't really got time to read them but as they're so pretty, I don't really care.
For now I'll just wait until the sequels are out and read them as the set is complete.

The Books of Babel will run up to 4 books. Josiah Bancroft is now working on book 3, tentatively titled The Hod King.

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