Very hard to write again. Been quiet too long.

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Small Update

Hello there,
     I just wanted to come and say hi and say that this Blog isn't defunct, but that it's just being pushed to the side a bit while I bury my face in the sand.
     I'm not writing anything and though I'm reading, it's all going at a snail's pace. Which, as should be self-evident, is very slow indeed, as snails can't read, or at least I don't think.
     This pace is down to a few factors, of which an unhealthy predilection of mine; to run away from issues and problems rather than facing them head on, is the main one, the problem, I mean. Gaming is such an easy way to make time pass, and to avoid looking at one's own life, one's own path, one generally has to spend time in/with it, rather than spending that time in worlds infinitely preferable to one's own. At least, preferable for as long as the remove is present. These worlds, whichever they are, are preferable for as long as they can be accessed at will, to be exited at nill, not all-encompassing but safe, at the remove of a television screen, a button, a thin layer of self-deception.
     Another problem is my chosen go-to book of the moment, which turned out to be quite a monumental cock-up on my part, as if I didn't have enough post-modernism with just Infinite Jest.
Now, if Gravity's Rainbow had the style, the build-up and the humour of Infinite Jest this really wouldn't be a problem, but the odd fact of the matter is that this book, this pinnacle of post-modern literature, is in reality a piece of excrement. It is out of control, at points thoroughly disgusting, throughout mostly boring, at all points too self-involved and on the whole it thinks it's way more clever than it's actually being. It's a book that I don't think would be publishable today. There are people who revere it, sure, and I admit that there are moments that I think are brilliant, particularly those scenes and circumstances where there's an almost mythical quality to what is going on, but on the whole I'm of the opinion that the bad far outweighs the good. I'll be finishing it, and I will have to kick myself to start writing down something more substantial than what I've set down here when I do, but for now my short opinion on this one is that it is garbage.
     Another factor is an over-reliance on medication, both prescription and that in a bottle, to take away any and all introspection. I'm having some help for and with this, but it's a day by day thing and progress tends to be slow.
But there is progress, and things are starting to look up. Long ways to go yet, but I'm getting there.
For today that's enough introspection, and it's time to go back to work.

I do have to say though, it felt good having a quiet sit-down and just writing this stuff down. See you around.

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